
Having Faith in yourself 


One must Respect and have faith in himself. Respecting who you are and discovering what potential do you hold, will give you strength. One must know what are his strengths and weakness is but one should not compare himself with others. Respect yourself and believe that you hold the potential to live your dream and make a difference.

We are in a process of continuous learning. We learning everyday and we are changing everyday. And it is not over until we give up. Having faith in yourself will allow you to never give up on dream. It is the fuel for your success.

Let me ask you a question, If you will not have faith in yourself, then who will?

Having faith in yourself is the least thing you can do for yourself

In our daily life we spend so much time observing others. I dare you to observe yourself. Discover what type of person you are. What is that you want from life? What are your strengths, your weaknesses, your mission? Set your priorities straight. Wake up everyday with the burning desire in you to live your dream and believe in yourself, that you can and will live your dream. You will not give your 100% if subconsciously you have even a tiny doubt on yourself. Go 100% every time. Believing in yourself helps you achieve a positive mindset which is very important in living a successful and happy life.

Don't believe that you are a ordinary person. Just because you are not good in academics or you belong to a middle class family. Believe that you are born for purpose and your life has a meaning. Everyone's life has meaning and he his born with the purpose but many of us fail to discover our purpose. We give up on ourselves to soon. We start doubting ourselves more with every failure that come across us. But if keep having faith in ourselves during this period than we will be moving towards success with every failure that lies in our path.

If you have immense faith in something, than its most likely to happen.

Combination of Faith, belief, Hard work, Positive thinking and vision can help you achieve the IMPOSSIBLE.

Law of Attraction won't work without faith. Universe wont believe in you and your dream, if you yourself don't consider that you are worthy enough to achieve something in life.

I don't know What is it that you want from life but I do know one thing for sure that if you believe in yourself than you can be the man you want to be.

Be success king